How do we fix BMW E30 factory promotional video 1986?

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How do we fix BMW E30 factory promotional video 1986?

Post by Douken »


There is this video.

BMW E30 factory promotional video 1986

Which audio recently went bad. How do we fix it or reclaim to YouTube this is a false flag. I believe what happened was that someone made a song about the video and then YouTube flagged the video claiming it uses a remixed song by someone else. Even though this person made the song years after the video. So YouTube is in the wrong for flagging this. But I don't really know what happened. I'm speculating.

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Re: How do we fix BMW E30 factory promotional video 1986?

Post by Jeroen »

Hi, thanks for registering and responding about this issue. This is indeed the result of a third party reporting rights infringement to YouTube. The idiots at YouTube then start blocking things without further investigation and apparently they are not able to undo this. I am trying to find the original video (digitized or the original video tape) but this is such a long time ago, haven't found it yet, otherwise I can try to upload it somewhere else. Will do another search today!
Regards/groeten, Jeroen
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Re: How do we fix BMW E30 factory promotional video 1986?

Post by Jeroen »

looks like youtube cut some deals with several businesses, so before I finished uploading again I had a whole bunch of warnings. Let's see how the competition performs at
Regards/groeten, Jeroen
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